Lip Liner

Lips can be corrected and or defined / emphasized by having this stunning enhancement lip treatment.

The benefits are:

  • Prevents lip stick bleeding
  • Disguises the appearance of fine lines around the mouth
  • Camouflages scars
  • Simplify daily make up routine


Contouring Lip Liner

This is a fantastic lip treatment that offers definition and fullness through shading to contour the lips creating a poutier and sexier appearance.

Treatment time including numbing time is around 2-3 hours.

Glamourink strongly advise that Zovirax tablets are taken 5 days before and 5 days after treatment.


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Semi Permanent Makeup Lip Liner –  £195

Semi Permanent Makeup Lip Blush –  £225

Semi Permanent Makeup Full Colour – £295

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